|2-YOU WANT $ffe $ffd $ffc $ffb $ffa $ff9 $ff8 |2-LISTS ? $ff7 $ff6 $ff5 $ff4 $ff3 $ff2 $fe0 By $fb0 ßootßlock/TerraForm $fff Okay then, here's a list to end all lists (maybe) : $e8f |1-TOP ELEVEN |1-FEMALES $d8f 1. ßelinda Carlisle 1. Shannon from H&Y (Isla Fisher) 3. Terri Hatcher 4. Danni Behr 5. Cody from Neighbours 6. Dax from Deep Space 9 7. Diana Youdale (Jet from Gladiators) 8. Louise Nerding (ex-Eternal) 9. Annalise from Neighbours 10. Dana Troy from StarTrek: TNG 11. Ulrika Jonsson $dc7 |1-TOP FIVE , |1-WORST CLICES $dd7 1. "Information SuperHighway" 2. "Get Wired" 3. "Surf The `NET" 4. "Eat It, It's Good For You" (ie, rice) 5. "What did that spider ever do to you?" $acf |1-TOP FIVE |1-ARCADE GAMES $bcf 1. Tekken 2 2. Ace Driver 3. Ridge Racer 2 4. Daytona USA 5. Virtua Cop 2 $fcd |1-TOP TEN |1-TV PROGS $f64 1. Red Dwarf $fcb 2. Bottom 3. Men Behaving Badly 4. The New Adventures of Superman 5. Who's Line Is It Anyway ? 6. Friends 7. Shooting Stars 8. RoboCop: The Series 9. Deep Space 9 10. Have I Got News For You $ce4 |1-TOP FIVE |1-UTILITIES $ce0 1. ßlitz ßasic ][ 2. Ordering (Opus clone) 3. Cygnus Editor v3 4. Power Packer v4a 5. OctaMED v5.04 $6e0 |1-TOP THREE |1-FARTS $6c0 1. Silent 2. Machine Gun 3. Take Off $e90 |1-TOP TWO PLAYABLE |1-MK 3 CHARACTERS $c96 1. Shao Kahn (Use cheat - Megadrive) 2. Smoke ( Ditto - Megadrive) $acf |1-TOP TWO |1-TIT TYPES $8bf 1. "Pert" 2. Firm $8fb |1-TOP SIX CRISP |1-FLAVOURS $8df 1. Salt `n' Vinegar 2. Prawn 3. Tomato Sauce 4. Bacon & Bean (yum!) 5. Pickled Onion 6. Ranch (American) $fdc |1-TOP FIVE FIZZY |1-DRINK FLAVOURS $ddd 1. Cream Soda 2. Dandelion & BurCock 3. Orange Tango 4. Ribena 5. urm..... $add |1-TOP THREE |1-SHIT COLOURS $893 1. ßlack ? 2. Brown (see Freak's Workbench!) 3. Yellow-ish-brown (Eugh!) $a9d |1-TOP FIVE |1-SLAPPERS $c9d 1. Pamela Anderson 2. Divine Brown 3. Tiff-Nee (EastEnders) 4. Selina (H*me & Aw*y) 5. Freak/NFA $967 |1-TOP FIVE |1-FUCKERS $987 1. Brett Rothenburg 2. Brett Rothenburg 3. Brett Rothenburg 4. Brett Rothenburg 5. Brett Rothenburg $f87 |1-TOP ONE PERSON |1-THAT CAN'T SPELL |1-"NOB" $fc7 1. Freak/NFA $d97 |1-TOP TEN |1-ENGLISH MONEY $dd7 1. £100 note 2. £50 note 3. £20 note (I still need it Freak!) 4. £10 note 5. £5 rolled in 4,000,000 £100 notes $5d7 |1-TOP TWENTY |1-WORST THINGS $000 1. Spiders $5a7 2. PeeCee 3. Bandwagon Jumpers 4. Digitiser (Gamma 7) 5. Man Utd 6. Boy Bands 7. Females with small, saggy tits 8. American "chat" shows 9. Children (little fuckers!) 10. Pob 11. Nostalgia 12. Freak's 300 "blank" disks 13. Americans 14. Gerry Adams 15. The Media 16. Drugs 17. My Sister 18. My Sister's boyfriend (cunt) 19. BBC 20. Spiders $fce |1-TOP FIVE FUNNY |1-THINGS TO DO $fa8 1. Blow torch a spider $6a8 2. Pour sugar in Brett Rothenburg's mum's car (I bet £200 the cunt nicked it) $fa8 3. Goto Freak's flat and then go back home when its pissing it down 4. Watch Emmerdale (sad bastard!) 5. Twat someone you hate $68f |1-LIST OF THINGS |1-ON MY DESK NOW $78f 1. My Amiga (Street Fighter II sticker on it) 2. My telly 3. A watch 4. A small red screwdriver $88f 5. A sampler 6. Two tapes 7. A letter from Furrßall/Strobe 8. Two pens $98f 9. My wrists (when typing) 10. Some wires 11. A pencil 12. An empty wrapper $a8f (bugger knows what was in it!) 13. 3 holes 14. A multi-coloured pen that looks like a dildo 15. Picture of Shannon (ta Freak!) $fc5 16. ßelinda Carlisle CD $bbc 17. Dust $8bf |1-LIST OF THINGS I |1-CAN SEE IN MY ROOM $88d 1. LOADS of Amiga mags in piles 2. A calculator 3. Dust 4. A Mess 5. Small (knackered?) speakers 6. Spider stains on the wall 7. Blue wall paper (fnarr indeed!) 8. Elite II poster 9. A1200 instruction books 10. Freak's Assembler books 11. 3 catalogues 12. My big writing pad 13. Loads of disks scattered on the floor 14. A speaker that I use as a TV ariel 15. A couple of PlayStation mags 16. A brand-spanking-new mousemat 17. Tissues with snot in them 18. *LOADS* of empty jiffies 19. Megadrive 20. Sega Arcade PowerStick 21. Control Pad 22. Empty CDROM box (plus CDs) 23. Paper EVERYWHERE 24. Wires EVERYWHERE 25. Street Fighter II comic 26. Yellow Pages (ant' even got a phone!) 27. Weird calendar thang 28. Curtains 29. Address labels 30. Midi "system" plugged into my sampler 31. Plug extension 32. Dental Floss 33. Plaggy bags 34. 2 empty coke cans 35. plus some other cack .... $eba |1-LIST OF AMIGAS |1-THAT I'VE GOT $AEA 1. A1200 $ABF |1-HOW CLEAN IS |1-MY BED $EBF 1. 06.3552% $97F |1-LIST OF |1-SHIT TV PROGS/THANGS $9AF 1. Man O Man (ITV) 2. The Shane Richie Experience (finished now) 3. Indian films on Sunday night 4. Going For Gold 5. A Country Practice 6. Boring Documentaries 7. News 8. Life After Birth (C4 "Sitcom") 9. Take Your Pick 10. Play Your Cards Right 11. Flava 12. Coronation Street (SHIT !) 13. Brookside 14. Castles 15. Any sport coverage 16. Mork & Mindy (sad American "humour") 17. Monty Phyton (load'a fuckin' crap!) 18. The Fast Show (sometimes) 19. Cybil 20. HollyOaks (the girlz are sexy tho!) 21. PROZZY: Cell ßlock H 22. Most black & white films 23. BayWatch (yeh, WANKwatch) 24. Pob 25. American films about baseball 26. American films about American football